Monday, February 5, 2007


In times during life when it just feels pointless and numb, unexciting and without challenge is it possible to THRIVE?

"If you would live in victory over the circumstances, great and small, that come to you each day...
...and if you want God's life and power to well up from the depths of your being...
...then you must refuse to be dominated by the seen and felt." -Amy Carmichael

Yes! The last line of that quote sums it up. We cannot let our lives be driven by cricumstances that we are in, things we see happening in life and the way it makes us feel. But we ask, how can we conquer if there is no mountain in front of us in the first place? When it feels dry and desolate, when we are just asking for a big challenge to grow us, to keep us busy, something of exciement to work towards, and all we see is flat deserts...

We take this seemingly dull life and THRIVE in Jesus. Let Him come and fill our innermost being. let him bring excitement to a cloudy day. Just as I talked about in the look up blog, we need to do just that. We don't have to have a huge challenge before us, we just need to live and breathe Jesus. If it's such a dull and gloomy day, what better thing to do than to go inside, into the secret place and fall into the arms of our Daddy above? It's all about a heart attitude. You can grow just as much in Jesus in the quiet and solitude as you can engaging in a huge battle.

"You must look steadfastly through the visible, until the invisible opens up to you." -Amy Carmichael

Jesus forgive me for only knowing this in my head and not my heart. Help me to look past the circumstances of each day and instead look to you. Teach me that it is ok to have dullness. Help me to embrace the solitude.

1 comment:

Alex Charles said...

We may or may not have the same views on certain things, I am not totally sure. However, I couldn't agree more on what you stated on challenges and THRIVING! You hit the spot on that. Life does get pretty dry sometimes... you start searching for someone or something, holding faith in your heart and not ever letting it go, fighting through the pain of 'numb' and maybe feeling overwhelmd. You finally reach the point of success and along comes another challenge and we start to build and build until we get to our destination. Beautiful as it may seem, we long for more of this, believing in God and talking to him, naturally as if he were standing right next to you. Feeling the warmth of his presence, is like nothing else. The way you described a cloudy or rainy day... Life is such. Just as the sky is blue and the sun is happy yellow, raindrops fall on our heads' and thunder rocks our souls. God created nothing but beauty, be it a rainy day or a sunny day, all in all, it leaves us, without us knowing, shaken with true beauty, beating our hearts. Whats sad is that, many or most people do not realize this. And its out there for everyone, free for the taking, free to the touch and feel. ... Glorious surroundings embrace my mood, my heart, and finally my soul each and everyday I walk outside. I gaze at an amazing sky and always wonder what is out there? I am standing here, alone and in solitude, among billions of people on this planet and searching for all the answers to this place and only hoping that someone, somewhere is doing the same exact thing...

Thank you, Mallory
